(1) Our company strives to handle customer complaints promptly, sincerely, fairly, and appropriately, ensuring clarity of facts and responsibility, and aiming for customer understanding while considering the Financial ADR (Alternative
Dispute Resolution) system.
The procedure for resolving complaints within our company is as follows:
1) Receipt of Complaints: Complaints from customers are received by the Compliance Department, which is responsible for handling complaints.
2) Inquiry and Fact-Checking: The Compliance Department investigate into and confirms the facts related to the complaint.
3) Response to Complaints: A response to the complaint is provided. If it takes time to address, we will inform you about the progress.
<Complaint Reception Desk>
Compliance Department: compliance@liberta-ip.co.jp
Business hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM,
excluding weekends, public holidays, and the New Year holidays.
(2) In addition to resolving complaints as mentioned above, our company also addresses complaints through the following organization.
This organization is contracted by the Japan Investment Advisers Association and Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association, of which we are the member, to handle complaint resolution. Customers can submit complaints to this organization
using the following contact details:
Non-Profit Organization Securities and Financial Instruments Mediation and Consultation Center
Address: 2-1-1 Nihonbashi Kayabacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025
Daini Securities Building
Phone: 0120-64-5005 (Toll-Free)
(Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, excluding weekends and public holidays)
The standard procedure for complaint resolution conducted by this center is as follows. For more details, please inquire directly with the center:
1) Submission of Complaints: Customers submit complaints.
2) Forwarding of Complaints: The center forwards the complaints to the member company.
3) Discussion and Resolution: Discussions between the customer and the member company lead to resolution.